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Company revitalization – a fresh cell cure for companies

More innovative competitors are overtaking stagnating companies. As an interim manager, I set processes in motion so that corporate revitalization succeeds—an example from practice.

Whether technological progress, changing market conditions, or new legal regulations – the business world is constantly in flux. If you keep in touch, you will be able to catch up. I have often seen long-established companies disappear because they needed to embrace the new and adapt to the market’s needs. As an interim manager, it is fascinating for me to be able to support a company in a revitalization phase and show it how it can adapt flexibly and secure its relevance.

What happens during a company revitalization?

  • A revitalization process allows us to recognize customers’ changing needs and expectations and adapt the offering accordingly, continuing to offer customers added value and maintaining their loyalty.
  • Inefficient processes, outdated systems, and unproductive working methods are identified and optimized.
  • A culture of innovation and creativity is established to generate new ideas, improve products and services, and stand out.
  • They promote employee commitment and satisfaction by involving them in the process and creating an environment where their ideas and opinions are valued.
  • The company is prepared to overcome future crises and emerge stronger.

Practical example of company revitalization

It’s been a few years, but from February 2005 to July 2007, I was appointed as an interim manager in the subsidiaries of a global manufacturer of heavy trucks and financial services for sales financing and related services. I took sole responsibility for the operational management in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.

For the company, this primarily meant, changes and adjustments in many areas that had been neglected for years.

The clear mandate was to revitalize and realign the company. As Chairman of the Credit Committee and member of the Management Board, it was my task to help shape the future corporate strategy. The most important topics were:
  • Revitalization of the operating business
    The day-to-day business had to be reorganized. The first step was to restore the trust relationship between importers, dealers, and the finance company. This required better, and in some cases different, cooperation between the key players in the company.
  • More flexible, faster – a cultural change within the company
    Over the years, a much too sluggish organizational apparatus had become established in the company. A cultural change was necessary. The organization was restructured into a lean, agile service provider for sales promotion. The goal is to react more flexibly and quickly to constantly changing market requirements.
  • Employee motivation
    By involving employees in the process and creating an environment where their ideas and opinions were valued, employees felt valued and motivated to contribute to the company’s transformation.
  • Realignment of the structures
    Each subsidiary location in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary had its own management, some of which acted independently. It was challenging, but introducing a new, innovative regional structure brought the management teams together. The result is better coordination and an essential basis for managers to react quickly to regional challenges and opportunities.

Together for success!

The management team, in particular, then played a crucial role in implementing all the necessary changes in the company in collaboration with me. I was particularly pleased that we increased the financing ratio from 8% to over 45% within just one year. This has enormously strengthened the company’s economic stability. More sustainable profits and greater competitiveness are just two of the results.

How an interim manager works is crucial to success in all these measures.

A clear vision, supported by a clear management style with transparent communication at eye level.

My personal goal was not just to achieve a temporary change in the company but to create a sustainable basis with the management team to secure the company’s future for the coming years. The course was set for future growth and success.

Revitalizing a company is not a quick fix, but if the will is there the will is there; there is a way!hnelle Nummer, aber wenn der Wille da ist, gibt es auch einen Weg!

As an interim manager, I have accompanied several revitalization processes to adapt a company to changes and remain relevant flexibly. This is always a challenge, but the results speak for themselves.

I enjoyed my time in the Czech Republic, and I gained many new experiences and great new business partners. As an interim manager, you rarely immerse yourself deeply in a company and initiate significant, sustainable changes, as with this truck manufacturer and financial services provider.

Conclusion on the company revitalization

Let me conclude with a comparison: We regularly go for check-ups, detoxification, or a cure to stay healthy. A revitalization phase with an interim manager is like a fresh cell cure for any company—without a prescription.

Finding new paths together.
Think boldly – dare to change!

Alexander d´Huc